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'Lemon' Ability to Expel Acne and Skin Whitening

Believed 'Lemon' able to drive acne, whiten, and smooth the skin. 'Lemon' aka 'Citrus Aurantium AurantiumCitrus', have the most benefit.

'Lemon' is a basic ingredient drug ingredient in Indonesian traditional beauty. If we look at, almost all of them include the name of 'Lemon' as the base material, both fruit and leaves.

Indeed, in general, 'oranges' are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for health. Just imagine, the content of 100 g 'Lime', there are calories 51 cal, 0.9 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 11.4 g carbohydrates, minerals 0.5 g, calcium 33 mg, 23 mg phosphorus, iron 0 , 4 mg and 49 mg ascorbic acid.

'Lemon', besides having a high content of vitamin C which also contains citric acid, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), essential oils (sitral, limonene, felandren, lemon camphor, kadinen, gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nildehid ) resin, glycosides, citric acid, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur vitamin B1 and C.

Because that's no doubt if the content of the 'Lemon' was able to cure acne by using the mask of honey and 'Lemon'.

Why should honey? Because of the honey, there is a useful antiseptic substances to kill bacteria that exist on the face can cause acne increasingly inflamed. Meanwhile, lemon can reduce the oil on the face so as to prevent dirt stuck to the face.

Steps that must be done to make the 'mask Lemon' is to take the 'Lemon' and then squeeze the water as much as 1 teaspoon. Mix water 'Lemon' last with 1 teaspoon honey. Then, apply on face and let stand for 30 minutes. After that, rinse with cold water. If done regularly, pimples will disappear.

'Lemon' is also often used to cope with various diseases such as dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoid, irregular menstruation, diphtheria, acne, headache or vertigo.

In addition to treating hoarseness, cough, body odor, increase appetite, prevent hair loss, dandruff, flu, fever, too fat, tonsils, Anyang-anyangan disease (painful urination), nosebleeds, and inflammation of the nose.

'Lemon' is also effective to prevent the occurrence of kidney stones. 'Lemon' contains citric high, while many kidney stone sufferers have low levels of citrate.

The content of citric 'local Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle round) ten times greater than the content of citrate in the' Orange tangerine 'or six times more than the' sweet orange '. Gynecology sitratnya reached 55.6 grams per kilogram.

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Betel Leaf as High Antiseptic

Treating nosebleeds Up Whitish 

Betel is a medicinal plant which is very beneficial. He containing antiseptic substances in all its parts. The leaves are widely used to treat a nosebleed, red eyes, discharge, making a loud voice, and many more, including erectile dysfunction. 

Efficacy of betel leaf has been known and tested products clinical. Until now, research on this plant continues developed. 

Betel leaf has been known for centuries by our ancestors as efficacious medicinal plants. Not only known as medicinal plants, plant Latin name Piper betle lynn also has a special place in events customary in some parts of Indonesia. 

In Lampung, there is a dance named penggung cambai. Penggung means hold, while cambai betel. This dance describes the association order young people who uphold traditions. Betel leaf in this dance describe the symbol of respect. 

In many other traditional events, betel leaves are often served to welcome guest. In Java, betel leaves are used in traditional ceremonies marriage. 

High Antiseptic Substances 

Traditionally, plants originating from India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia is used to overcome the body and mouth odor, mouth sores, nosebleeds, itching and ulceration, and treat vaginal discharge in women. This is because medicinal plants has been known since 600 BC It contains a substance antiseptics that kill germs. The content of phenol in the nature antiseptic five times more effective than with ordinary phenol. 

In Chinese pharmacology, betel known as a plant that has warm and spicy nature. Traditionally they use betel leaf to shed the fart, stop coughing, reduce inflammation, and relieve itching. In traditional Indian medicine, known betel leaf as a warm aromatic substances, are antiseptic, and even improve sex drive. 

With antiseptic properties, betel nut is often used to heal foot sores because it contains a styptic for holding bleeding and vulnerary, which heal the wounds of the skin. Can also chewed to improve the quality of sound on singers. 

From the research, as quoted in the book of medicinal plants Medicinal Plant Garden publications Karyasari also disclosed that betel containing arecoline in all parts of the plant. This substance is useful for stimulates the central nervous and thinking power, increasing the peristaltic movements, relieve snoring. In the leaves contained eugenol was able to prevent premature ejaculation, eradicate the fungus Candida albicans, and are analgesic (Relieve pain). There is also the content of tannin in the leaves beneficial to reduce the secretion of fluid in the vagina, protecting liver function, and prevent diarrhea. 

Alternative Cancer Treatments
Drug Whitish 

Efficacy of betel leaf in curing leucorrhoea ever tested clinical. This is revealed by Amir Sharif from the Section of Pharmacology University Indonesia. He said that betel leaves have a more meaningful efficacy compared with placebo. 

The tests involved 40 patients with vaginal discharge that is not medium 
pregnant, suffering from diabetes mellitus, and kidney or liver disease. Two twenty of them get betel leaves, while the rest were given placebo. Both the betel leaf or a placebo was given before the patient's vagina sleep for seven days. 

Of the 40 patients, 22 people get re-examination, respectively 11 got a placebo and betel leaf. The results of this test proves approximately 90.9 percent of patients who have otherwise betel leaf cured, while in the group given placebo only 54.5 percent. 

Other studies about the benefits of betel conducted at IPB Bogor. Ir. Nuri Andarwulan, Msi and friends of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB conduct research to utilize waste for betel leaf volatile oil produce antioxidants. Extracts of these antioxidants for this still imported. 

This research has the potential to reduce the import value of antioxidants. In addition, emulsion product produced in this study also can be used for the beauty industry. 

Meanwhile, in India there is a research report that said leaf betel affect male fertility, as reported by the Indian Journal of Pharmacology. Effect of betel leaf on male fertility was tested on rats. 

Allegedly, the provision of betel leaf extract containing alcohol Oral antifertility effects in rats have. According to the report of increasing doses of extract caused the decline in sperm counts in rats. 

In India, research on betel leaves is not only to male fertility only. There, the leaves are already being studied to treat asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, leprosy, and toothache, even for erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, not many similar research in Indonesia. 

Betel leaf Recipes 

Betel leaves are useful for treating various diseases. Here This recipes from the Medicinal Plant Garden Karyasari about how the use of betel leaf for health. 

1. Cough 

   Prepare 15 pieces of betel leaf and three glasses of water. Rinse leaves and boiled until the remaining three-quarters into pieces. Drink with honey. 

2. Bronchitis 

   Boil seven betel leaves which had been washed with piece of rock sugar in two cups water. Wait until the remaining become one glass. Drink three times a day each third of the glass. 

3. Eliminate body odor 

   Take five betel leaves and boil in two cups of water. Wait until the remaining into a glass. Drinking in the afternoon. 

4. Burn 

   Take a taste of betel leaves and wash clean. Squeeze the water and add a little honey. Put into place burns. 

5. Nosebleed 

   Prepare one betel leaves a rather young, and then crushed and roll. Use it to clog a bloody nose. 

6. Ulcer 

   Take a taste of betel leaves and wash clean. Afterwards minced until smooth and smeared on boils and surroundings. Balut and replace two times a day. 

7. Itchy and Red Eye 

   Provide 5-6 young and fresh betel leaf with a glass of boiled water to boiling. Wait until cool and use to wash the eye with glass eye wash three times a day until healed. 

8. Ulceration and Itchy-Itchy 

   Boil 20 pieces of betel leaf to a boil. Use the cooking water which still warm to wash sores and itching. 

9. Stopping Bleeding Gums 

   Boil four betel leaves in two cups of water. Use to gargling. 

10. Sprue 

   Take 1-2 pieces of betel leaf and then wash clean. Chew until pulverized and dispose of the waste upon completion. 

11. Eliminate Mouth Odor

   Prepare 2-4 betel leaves, wash and squeeze. Brewed with then use hot water to rinse. 

12. Pimple 

   Take 7-10 betel leaves, wash and finely mashed. Brewed with two glasses of hot water. Use water to wash your face. Perform 2-3 times a day. 

13. Whitish 

   Boil 10 betel leaves which had been washed in 2.5 liters of water. Use the cooking water is still warm to wash the vagina. 

14. Breastfeeding Reduces Excess 

   Take a few betel leaves, wash and basting with oil coconut. Then heat over a fire until wilted. Stick around swollen breasts while still warm.

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