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Cherry fruit serves as a natural toothbrush

Cherries (Prunus spp.) contain substances that can interfere with cleaning the rest of the body's metabolism. To remove fat, contain natural sugars which provide energy to release the concentrated debris (metabolic waste) which are not expected from the cell body.

Cherries for health benefits are:

* Clean the rest of the body's metabolism.
* Serves as a natural toothbrush.

Cherries are a good source of vitamin C and also has strong antibacterial properties in preventing tooth decay. Research has proven that black cherry juice inhibits 89% activity of enzyme that causes plaque formation on teeth. Cherry fruit is also very rich in iron and is a laxative, builders blood cells, and gall bladder cleanser and a good heart. A good cherry fruit is characterized by a chewy texture.

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Blackberry Fruit is Very Useful to Keep Beauty

Blackberry fruit as one of the berry family member who is also very useful to maintain beauty. Blackberry contains polyphenols and anthocyanins good untuh prevent skin cell damage by free radicals. In addition, the blackberry is also rich in vitamin E are good for the skin, while vitamin C it will increase the body's immune system. Forms such as blackberry wine, but with a small fruit and clustered. When I was young, green blackberry, but if it is ripe, blackberry purple-black. Benefits blackberry is one of them keep skin young and firm. Because, blackberry keeping skin cells from free radical damage, pollution and dirt.

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How to:

Enter one cob blackberries and yogurt and honey each a tablespoon into the blender. Blend all ingredients until well blended. Spread on face and neck, leave 15-20 minutes, rinse with clean water. Do it once a week, so the results satisfy you. This herb is also good for the skin of the body, but for use throughout the body should be the amount added.


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Blueberry Fruit as Treatment of Various Diseases

Blueberry is one of the rich benefits of fruit. A study from the University of Michigan cardiovascular center found that this dark colored fruits can reduce belly fat and lowered risk of heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Another study published at the 2009 Experimental Biology conference, also declared that a diet rich in blueberries function of lowering cholesterol levels, improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity, lowering risks of heart disease and diabetes. Still not the spirit of adding this healthy fruit consumption? Here are some other benefits.

1. Blueberries are the most antioxidant-rich fruit such as anthocyanins, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper, selenium, zinc, iron. All this content enhance immune function. If the immune system strong, then you'll avoid the attack of flu, fever, measles, and other infections are often contracted in the community.

2. Blueberries, which contain antioxidants anthocyanins in it is a fruit that can neutralize free radicals that cause disease and aging. In addition, a high content of vitamin C also helps slow the aging process.

3. Helps reduce abdominal fat. A study from the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center found that a single fruit can also help burn fat in the abdomen. Fat in the stomach-risk trigger diabetes and heart disease.

4. Helps maintain urinary tract health. Formation of colonies of certain bacteria such as bacteria-coli in the urinary tract lining in the walls is a cause of infection. This infection will cause inflammation that causes a burning sensation as well as other complications. And blueberries can help you prevent this. This fruit contains components that can inhibit bacterial growth. In addition, blueberries also contain components of antibiotics.

5. Sharpen vision. Blueberry extract is rich in anthocyanosides, based on clinical studies can slow the loss of vision. The content of these can prevent eye disorders such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and hipermetropi miopi, dry eyes and infection, particularly with respect to the retina.

6. Maintaining brain health. Ingredients such as anthocyanins in blueberries, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, C, and E, zinc, sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese, is some substance in this fruit that can prevent and cure neurological disorders by preventing the decline in function and death of neurons, brain cells and restore the health of the central nervous system. The content can even heal damaged brain cells and neuronal tissue and keep the memory sharp. The researchers found that diets rich in blueberries could significantly improving motor skills and learning ability.

7. Heart disease. The content of high fiber and antioxidants make blueberries can lower bad LDL cholesterol. In addition, this fruit can also strengthen the heart muscles.

8. Constipation and indigestion. Fiber in blueberries may also help overcome the problem of constipation and indigestion.

9. Cancer. Pterostilbene Blueberries contain components that could help cure colon cancer and liver cancer. In addition, blueberries also contain ellagic acid which work together with anthocyanins, vitamin C and copper can prevent and cure cancer. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that phenolic content in blueberries can inhibit cell division of colon cancer cells and kill cancer cells.

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Raspberry Fruit Solution for Heart Disease, Diabetes, Etc..

Raspberry plants classified in the genus Rubus, and includes several species, which include R. idaeus, R. arcticus, R. crataegifolius, and R. occidentalis. Raspberry fruit is an important agricultural commodities used in the manufacture of various processed foods such as dried fruits, jams, and juices, or eaten as fresh fruit.

Raspberry fruit contains many antioxidant polyphenols, such as the pigment anthocyanin. In addition it also contained significant amounts of dietary fiber (20% fiber per total weight), vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folic acid and iron.

Content of antioxidants in relatively strong raspberry fruit, this is caused by the dense content of ellagic acid (from elagotanin), quercetin, gallic acid, anthocyanins, sianidin, pelargonidin, kaempferol, and salicylic acid. Content of antioxidants in fruit that is yellow less than red fruit.

   Because of the many antioxidants vitamin C and polyphenols as described above, then the fruit is given a value of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is around 4900 per 100 grams. This makes the raspberries become one of the fruits that have high ORAC value. For comparison, the apple only has approximately 2800 ORAC value, and cranberries and wild blueberries have the ORAC value of 9000.
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The properties to overcome the following diseases have been obtained from various experiments, although there has been no clinical trials to further strengthen this claim, however medical research has shown the benefits of early stage regularly consuming raspberries to overcome this disease: inflammation, pain, cancer, diseases heart disease, diabetes, allergies, reduced cognitive abilities due to aging, and impaired vision due to age.

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Jasmine Flower, Not Only Fragrance But Also Rich in Benefits

Distinctive scent of jasmine flowers, is highly favored by many people, especially women. But in addition to the seductive scent of the flower, jasmine also has properties to help cure diseases.

Plants that have a Latin name Jasminum Sambac or too often can be efficacious Jasmine disebutl help cure shortness of breath, headache, eye pain, fever, swollen with bee stings and even breast milk can also help control that often come out to excess.

How to use are as follows:

Shortness of breath
Ingredients: 20 sheets of jasmine leaf and salt to taste
How to make: the material is boiled in 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups and filtered.
How to use: affixed around the breasts, every morning before bathing.

Swelling caused by leaf bee attack
Ingredients: 1 handful of jasmine flowers
How to make: the ingredients knead until smooth
How to use: affixed to the part that stung by bees. 

Stop the excessive milk out
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves of jasmine
How to make: the material is finely crushed
How to use: affixed around the breasts, every morning before bathing.

Sore eyes (red eye)
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves of jasmine
How to make: the material is finely crushed
How to use: taped to the forehead, just replaced when it is dry, repeat until cured.

Fever and headache
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves of jasmine, jasmine 10
How to make: the ingredients knead by hand, then soaked with water in a basket.
How to use: water immersion is used to compress the forehead.

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Young Coconut Water Benefits For Pregnant Women

In the community of Indonesia, there is a tradition passed down through generations which suggests pregnant mothers to reproduce drink young coconut water, particularly from a green coconut. It was said when the industrious young coconut water to drink-especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid will be clean and babies born too clean skin, bushy hair and clear eyes.

Is this correct?

So far no studies that scientifically prove the truth of that suggestion. However, young coconut water does contain many substances that are beneficial for pregnant women. Substances that may indirectly make babies become healthier as mentioned in the traditional advice. 

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1. Natural Electrolytes

Young coconut water is rich with content of electrolyte, chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and riboflavin. As a natural isotonic mineral-rich and has the same electrolyte with an electrolyte body, young coconut water is very beneficial for rehydration and recover stamina.

Pregnant women require more water than others. Dehydration during pregnancy can cause various complications, including headaches, cramps, edema and even contraction that can cause premature labor.

2. Natural Diuretics

As a natural diuretic that sterile, young coconut water and urine launch help cleanse the urinary tract. It is nutritious substances out toxins from the body and prevent urinary tract infections, which are also quite common in pregnant women.

3. Anti-disease

Young coconut water contains lauric acid, an acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water the same as those found in breast milk and has the characteristics of antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral, so maintaining the health of mothers and infants from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa, giardia lamblia and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater.

4. Assist Digestion

Coconut water is also believed to improve digestive function. During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone which slows gastric muscle contraction so that any slowing digestion. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion.

5. Increase HDL

Young coconut water does not contain fat and cholesterol, even according to research to increase good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

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Pineapple Fruit as Inhibiting Growth of Cancer Cells.

This fruit contains vitamins A and C as antioxidants. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain efficacious as anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, and inhibit cancer cell growth. Fiber content can facilitate defecation in patients with constipation.

Some properties that have been mature pineapple fruit :

  • are cold,
  • to reduce the discharge of excessive stomach acid,
  • helps digestion of food in the stomach,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • urine (diuretic),
  • clean up of dead skin tissue,
  • interfere with cancer cell growth,
  • inhibit platelet clumping.

Some diseases can be cured with pineapple fruit:
1. Water (juice) pineapple: worms, sore throat, Give, give, lose weight, digestion problems.
2. Pineapple leaf (washed, finely ground, smeared in a hospital): For burns, itching and boils
3. Dandruff: Provide 1 / 4 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin, and scar, and filtered. Add the juice 1 orange juice and stir until blended. Use this mixture to rub the scalp of dandruff. Do it the night before bed. The next morning washed hair. Do it 2-3 times a week.
4. Inflammation of the skin: provide 1 / 2 pineapple that has been cooked. Peel the skin, and scar. Results parutannya used to rub the skin is scaly and peeling. Do it once a day, night before bed. The next morning washed clean new. Do it every day.
5. Constipation: drinking water from 3 pieces of pineapple, but choose the fruit that has not been cooked properly and is a bit sour.

Side Effects:

Pineapple young potential as abortivum or similar drugs that can abort the womb. Therefore, the pineapple can be used to launch a late period. Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited from consuming young pineapple.
trigger arthritis. In the gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This could trigger a recurrence of rheumatic gout. Rheumatism and arthritis sufferers are encouraged to limit consumption of pineapple.
increase blood sugar. Ripe pineapple fruits contain high sugar levels. So, for diabetics, should not consume excessive pineapple.
cause itching. Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid this, before eating, soak pieces of pineapple with salt water.

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