Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
'Cabbage Leaves' crunchy and crisp fresh taste. So that can be eaten as
raw and cooked vegetable, mixed salad or made ointment.
Properties & Benefits
It protects the body from radiation hazards, and inhibit tumor growth
Chemical Ingredients
Fresh cabbage contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, fsfor, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, riblovavin, nicotinamide, calcium and beta carotene. It also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan and iberin that stimulates the formation of glutathione, an enzyme that works by breaking and removing toxic substances circulating in the body. The high content of vitamin C the 'cabbage' can prevent the onset of skorbut (scury). The existence of substance anthocyanins cause the color of 'cabbage' can turn into red.
Content of active substance
Sulforafan and histidine can inhibit tumor growth, prevent colon cancer and rektun, detoksikasi dangerous chemical compounds, such as cobalt, nickel and copper excess in the body, and increase endurance to fight cancer. Sulfur amino acid content is also efficacious in lowering high cholesterol levels, nerve calming and uplifting.

Used Parts
Parts used are the leaves.
Cabbage is used for treatment:
- Itching due to fungus candida (candidiasis),
- Fungal skin heads, hand and legs,
- High blood cholesterol levels,
- Rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis),
- It protects the body from the radiation beam, such as x-ray diffraction,
- computer, microwave and color television,
- Antidote to drunk alcohol (hangover), toxins in the liver,
- Eliminate complaints PMS (premenstrual syndrome),
- Increasing milk production,
- Prevent tumor enlarges,
- Preventing colon and rectal cancer,
- Ulcer (ulcer) on the gastrointestinal tract, and
- Difficult bowel movements (constipation)
How to Use
Provide 25-30g cabbage, then eat them raw, as well as fresh vegetable or
can be boiled.
Example Usage
Constipation: eat fresh vegetable 'cabbage' every day, either raw or cooked.
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