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Papaya Fruit Efficacy as 'Slimming Body', 'Tighten The Breast' and 'Younger'

Papaya is not the only fruit that can be used, almost from all parts of the papaya can be utilized. Starting from the root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, bark, sap even have useful properties for the body. 

According to VN Villegas in his article published Plant Resources of Southeast Asia 2: Fruits that can be eaten, about 60 percent of the fruit is ripe papaya can be eaten. Every 100 grams of papaya on average contain 86.6 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 12.1 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 0.5 grams of ash, 34 mg calcium, 11 mg phosphorus, 1 mg iron, 3 mg potassium, 450 mg vitamin A, 74 mg vitamin C, 0.03 mg thiamine, 0.5 mg niasina, and 0.04 mg of riboflavin. Energy value kJ/100 200 grams and sugar content is mainly sucrose (48.3 percent), glucose (29.8 percent), and fructose (21.9 percent) 

Apart from being a fruit that can be obtained throughout the year, papaya is also used for salad ingredients, beverages, jelly, jam, cakes, and frozen fruit. In Java, a lot of interest also be candied papaya and leaves her young for side dishes or herbal medicine. Karpaina, a kind of alkaloid contained in papaya can be used to reduce heart problems, anti-amoebic drug, and drug urine laxative. 

Did you know that papaya fruit also has a very good therapeutic effect? particularly for women such as beauty therapy body slimming, toning and youthful breast 

Body slimming 

Papaya fruit have a thin body properties. With diligent eating unripe papaya enzyme can generate double the ripe papaya. Well, these enzymes act as decomposers of fat in our body. Enzymes that break down proteins better and eliminate the excess flesh. 

Breast tightening 

Papaya in trust by our forefathers long ago as the fruit that can tighten the breast. Enzyme in the papaya fruit can help breast growth, so more taut and supple. Papaya is also fortified with vitamin D hormone fasteners and female hormones that stimulate spending and stimulate the ovaries release the female hormone. Mammary gland of the hormone will be smooth and the ideal breast shape. 


Levels of vitamin C in papaya is 48 times as much apple!. Papaya is also active as a detoxification so it can refresh the skin from within. Papaya can also encourage the process of skin metabolism. Papaya is also good melt the layer of skin aging and substance horns arising dipori pores so the skin firmer and brighter. So, from now diligent, industrious just wear a mask or facial papaya papaya fruit.

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'Cayenne Pepper', spicy but beneficial to health

Capsicum frutescens plant named Latin consists of three varieties.
First, cengek leutik: Small fruit, green, and stood upright on the stem. Second, the type cengek sheep (cengek Bodas): The fruit is bigger than cengek leutik, white, and becomes orange when ripe. Third, ceplik: The fruit is big, green, and to red when old.
Based on the theoretical treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a plant named La jiao China has a spicy flavor, its hot, and enter the heart and pancreas meridian.
According to Dr. Sugiarto Budi Widjaja, TCM, Clinics of Beijing, Jakarta, red chillies efficacious as a powerful tonic and stimulant for the heart and blood flow, as well as rheumatic drugs. Cayenne pepper mill to destroy a blood clot (anticoagulant) and cope with rheumatic disorders and frostbite. Cayenne can increase appetite (stomakik), stimulating the skin, laxative fart (carminative), and sweating bullets (diaforetik), saliva, and urine (diuretic).
Containing Antioxidants 
According to Dr Setiawan Dalimartha, members of the Center for Development and Application of Traditional Medicine (SP3T) DKI Jakarta, in the cayenne fruit contained capsaicin, kapsantin, carotenoids, volatile alkaloids, resins, oils evaporate, and vitamins A and C. Provide a sense of spicy capsaicin in chili peppers, efficacious blood flow as well as numbing the skin.
Seeds of plants named region lombok jempling (Madura), chili (Java), leudeu needle (Gayo), smooth rica (Manado), metrek wakfoh (Papua), said Dr Setiawan, contain solanine, solamidine, solamargine, solasodine, solasomine, and steroidal saponins (kapsisidin). This last Gynecology efficacious as antibiotics. 

When eaten, spicy taste on the tongue may cause stimulation to the brain to release endorphins (endogenous opiate). As a result, the pain disappeared and the resulting feeling healthier. In the reproductive system, its heat can relieve tension and pain from poor blood circulation.
One of the results of research, said Dr. Setiawan, cayenne pepper is known to have efficacy to reduce the occurrence of blood clotting (thrombosis) and reduce levels of cholesterol. One more thing, many contain antioxidants (like vitamin C and beta-carotene), can be used to overcome infertility (infertility), an aphrodisiac, and slow the aging process.
The problem is, not everyone can consume excessive cayenne pepper. People with sore throats, sore eyes, and patients with digestive tract disorders, said Dr. Setiawan, is not advisable to consume cayenne pepper.
Research conducted Tyas Ekowati Prasetyoningsih from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, East Java, in 1987, mentions, cayenne pepper fruit extracts had inhibition on the growth of the fungus Candida albicans, the fungus on the skin surface. The inhibition of cayenne pepper 1 mg / ml equivalent to 6.20 mcg / ml nystatin in Formamide.
Dr Setiawan added, chillies indications are used to increase appetite, normalizing the feet and hands are weak, comforting feeling of nasal congestion on sinusitis, reduce cough with phlegm, and relieve migraine.
Four La Jiao Potion Recipes 
There are several ways you can do to get the benefits of cayenne pepper. Can be boiled or made by powder and pills. For external use, enough to boil, then steam is used heat the body of the sick.
Another way, says Dr Setiawan, by grinding cayenne pepper until smooth, then splash it on the affected part. This last mode can be used for rheumatic disorders and frostbite (pain due to cold finger). Leaves can be milled to smeared on diseased area in order to cope with abdominal pain and ulcers.

Here are four recipes that are offered Dr Setiawan: 

1. Rheumatism Ingredients: 
15 cayenne pepper, 1 / 2 teaspoon of whiting, 1 lime Usage: Chili pepper until finely ground, halved lemon, take the water. Mix the chili pepper mill, betel leaf, and lime juice, stirring until blended. The concoction smeared on the body of the sick. Do it until the disease cured.

2. Stomach ache Ingredients: 
15 g young leaves cayenne pepper, 1 / 2 teaspoon whiting Usage: Wash the leaves of pepper until finely minced. Add whiting, stir until blended.Concoction smeared on the belly of the sick. Do treatment 1-2 times only.

3. Foot and hand weakness (paralysis) Ingredients: 
2 cayenne pepper root weevil, 15 pairs of chicken paws, 60 g peanuts, 6 grain hungcao Usage: Clean all the ingredients, then cut into pieces as needed. Add water and wine as much to materials submerged approximately 1 cm above it. These ingredients cooked by steamed. Once cool, strain the water, drink twice a day, each half of the potion.

4. Frostbite Ingredients: 5 fresh chillies Usage: 
Remove seeds chili pepper, minced until smooth. Smeared into the affected part.

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Healthy With Noni Traditionally

For the people of Indonesia, Morinda citrifolia, commonly known as 'Noni Fruit' or 'Fruit Pace', is not something foreign. He is known for generations as a remedy for various diseases, including: relief of pain, heal wounds, indigestion, high blood pressure, increase appetite, menstrual problems, and others.

Healthy with Morinda citrifolia

If it happened in your home environment much noni tree, why not try to consume fresh noni fruit? Here are some healthy recipes with Noni fruit that you can try.

The first recipe:

Young noni juice made ​​by blended with boiled water to taste. For a flavor enhancer, can be spiked with a little honey. Taken 30 minutes before breakfast.

Efficacious for cleaning sediment 'blood fat', so as to cure atherosclerosis and stroke, and prevent a heart attack can limit the absorption of fat, consumption and the formation of fat in the body, so it can help slimming program. Moreover, it can reduce high blood pressure and relieve the mind of tension and stress, anxiety and discomfort.

The second recipe:

Ripe noni fruit is mashed, mixed with grated lempuyang rhizome, and a few tablespoons of boiled water. Squeeze and then drunk.

Efficacious for the treatment of jaundice due to liver inflammation, kidney inflammation, and inflammation of the spleen due to malaria attack of bile and helps remove excess cholesterol. Cure urinary tract inflammation.

The third recipe:

   Ripe Noni fruit that have been mashed mixed with grated galangal rhizome, and a few tablespoons of hot water. Squeeze, then drink. For a flavor enhancer, can be spiked with honey or sugar cubes.
Efficacious to reduce the fever with the flu and colds, especially in children, treat sore throats and tonsillitis.

Noni Fruit Benefits include:

  • Stabilize blood pressure and cholesterol levels - heart muscle
  • Disturbance in the body - diabetes, headache, kidneys, the kidneys, urine pot, pot and thyroid hempedu
  • Prevent cell growth and tumor cancer
  • Respiratory System - resdung, asthma, bronchitis, hingus melt, cough, sore throat, dry cough, fever, cholera and infant selsema
  • Disorders - abdominal bloating, ulcer, gastric, diarrhea-exacting, vomiting, not hadam, food poisoning
  • Mouth and throat - sore throat, sore gums and toothache
  • Bone and joint pain - terseliuh and gout
  • Skin disease - ulcers, wounds, ringworm, ulcers, skin ulcer
  • Sick woman - senggugut, menstrual disorders
  • Eliminate itching - slit crotch, water worm and skin diseases
  • Restoring the general impression of aging (youthful)
  • Eliminating addiction medicine and cigarettes
  • Helping men and women fertility system
  • Relieves pain (analgesic)
  • Increase the body's energy agency
  • Reducing stress (pressure)
  • Anti-oxidant


Noni Fruit only help reduce or alleviate the above diseases and eliminate the disease rather than guarantees. This is kerana no scientific study and above all the disease that diiktiraf by royal Malaysia or anywhere in the world body.

Keep in mind, his impression depends on the follow-up reply to every individual and long body which he had faced his illness. So, for a chronic disease or long, it may take a long time.

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Rosella Flower Tea, Fresh and Healthful

Rosella - Hibiscus Sabdariffa

Latin Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa, L or there is also a distinguished writing 'Hibiscus rosa sabdariffa', L

Domain name / other names: Rozel, beetles acid, Roselle, principal Ribena, rosella, red Sorrel, Indian Sorrel, Florida cranberry

Family: Malvaceae


Roselle plants including annual crops, can be represented 3.5 meters high. Easily grown from seed or from cuttings. Need much sunlight and loose soil. Good a given manure. For roselle seed, the seeds should be planted about 20cm from ground level. In the early growth of roselle plants need to be frequently cleaned of weeds / wild plants around them. 'Calyx of Rosella Flower' can be picked after 3 weeks counted from the first day of anthesis.

Part consumed rosella flower petals or fruit is called 'calyx'. calyx bright red and are easily broken. calyx is dried and brewed as a tea, used in a mixture of juice, also used in cake mixes as dyes and fragrances. 'Leaves Rosela' which can be used as a giver of acid sourness in foods such as fish soup. 

Nutrient content of leaves and flowers rosella:

At 100 g, rosella fruit contains
49 calories,
84.5% H2O,
1.9 g protein,
0.1 g fat,
12.3 g carbohydrate,
2.3 g fiber,
1.2 g ash,
1.72 mg Ca,
57 mg P, 2.9 mg Fe, 300 mg equivalent of b-carotene, and 14 mg of ascorbic acid.

In every 100 g of 'calyx rosella', containing:

44 Calories, 86.2% H2O, 1.6 g protein, O.l g fat,
11.1 g carbohydrate, 2.5 g fiber, 1.0 g ash,
160 mg Ca, 60 mg P, 3.8 mg Fe, 285 mg beta-carotene equivalents,
0:04 mg thiamine, 0.6 mg riboflavin, 0.5 mg niacin, and 14 mg of ascorbic acid
7.6% moisture,
24.0% protein, 22.3% fat, 15.3% fiber, 8.23% N-free extract,
7.0% ash, 0.3% Ca, 0.6% P, and 0.4% S.

In every 100 g of leaf rosella contains:

43 Calories,
85.6% H2O,
3.3 g protein,
0.3 g fat,
9.2 g carbohydrates,
1.6 g fiber,
1.6 g ash,
213 mg Ca, 93 mg P, 4.8 mg Fe, 4135 mg beta-carotene equivalents,
0:17 mg thiamine, 0.45 mg riboflavin, 1.2 mg niacin, and 54 mg of ascorbic acid.

Usefulness, benefits / efficacy Rosela:

Rozel / Rosella has astrigen and antiseptic properties. Can be used as a cough, diarrhea and bloody stools. The content of vitamin C / ascorbic acid which helps the body build high immunization systems / defense system against disease.

Other uses:

- Lowering blood cholesterol
- Lowering blood pressure
- Lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics
- As a detox, neutralize poison
- Inhibit the growth of cancer
- Maintaining stamina
- Lower levels of fat in the liver clotting
- Balancing weight
- Reduce heartburn and constipation
- Helps to recover from drug addiction
- Reduce headache / migraine
- Containing multivitamins, including vitamin C and beta carotene
- To cure a cough, diarrhea.

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Contained in the Nutrition Dates Fruits

Efficacy of Dates:

If eaten without removing the skin, to aid digestion and prevent intestinal inflammation. For lactating women, the content of 'iron' and 'calcium' in dates to increase the quantity of breast milk. Dates also play a role helping the formation of blood and bone marrow for breast-fed infants. Dates are believed to provide additional energy for pregnant women.

According to the research, the juice of dates to strengthen the muscles of the uterus, so that the birthing process easier. It also reduces bleeding during labor and strengthen organs uterus.

It is said that 'mothers breast-fed infants' dates of diligent eating, will grow into a bright child. Very good to overcome the problem of constipation, muscle weakness, fatigue, stress, and fatigue.

Helps strengthen memory.

Arab women believe dates to smooth the skin. Usually with a mixture of other materials used as a complementary cosmetic beauty.

Levels of potassium contained in dates can reduce the risk of stroke and high blood.

For patients with cough, its sugar content can relieve itching in the throat, as well as stop the cough.

Date palm juice is also efficacious to reduce disease insomnia.

Dates can increase appetite and sexual.

Iron and carbohydrate contained good enough for patients with anemia and chronic lethargy.

Have contributed to warm the body and increase the power of the brain.

Contains No Fat 

   Dates appeared to have a myriad of benefits. The content of protein and natural sugar is very easy to digest, so that both people who had consumed a day of fasting. Potassium content are believed to reduce high blood pressure and may reduce the risk of stroke. The date palm fruit, known as excellent source of potassium because it is useful to overcome and reduce fatigue. 

Dates are also believed to be the largest contributor to power. Can supply large amounts of calories. Because of that, 'breaking the fast' with dates to taste. If too much will reduce the appetite. 

Still talking about the content of dates, nutrition experts say, this fruit also contains potassium. Substances that are useful to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. Function of minerals makes the heart beat regularly, activating muscle contractions, and stabilize blood pressure. 

Dates do not contain fat, but carbohydrate content can produce energy (power) high. So many benefits of dates, so that the Arab women used as formulations to maintain skin smoothness. They liked to eat dates, presents the guests as a mark of respect, and also used to complement cuisine. Health experts also mengemukaan about the efficacy of palm fruit. Also has many communities that make the juice of dates. 

Dates is a palm plant species or in Latin Phonex dactylifera. Can be eaten as raw or cooked. Generally grow on the plains of the Middle East, including Medina, Egypt, and Tunisia. So no wonder there are many market dates.

Nutrient dates:

1. Water 22:50 g
2. Energy 275 cal
3. Energy 1151 kj
4. Protein 1.97 g
5. Fat 0.45 g
6. Carbohydrates 73.51 g
7. Fiber 7.5 g
8. Ash 1.58 g


1. Calcium, Ca 32 mg
2. Iron, Fe 1.15 mg
3. Magnesium, Mg 35 mg
4. Phosphorus, P 40 mg
5. Potassium, K 652 mg
6. Sodium, Na 3 mg
7. Zinc, Zn 0.29 mg
8. Copper, Cu 0.288 mg
9. Manganese, Mn 0.298 mg
10. Selenium, Se mcg 1.9


1. Thiamin 0.090 mg
2. Riboflavin 0.100 mg
3. Niacin 2.200 mg
4. 0.780 mg Pantothenic
5. Vitamin B-6 0.192 mg
6. Folate 13 mcg
7. Folate, food 13 mcg
8. Vitamin A, 50 IU
9. Vitamin A, RE 5 mcg_RE
10. Vitamin E 0.100 mg_ATE

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"Paprika", Chillies Large the Highly Nutritious

Aside from being a vegetable ingredients or spices, paprika was rich in vitamin C, it implies even higher than oranges. Paprika also contains many nutrients and can prevent cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, diabetes mellitus, and can improve sperm quality. 

Hearing the word chili, everyone would immediately think of some stinging sensation in the mouth. However, have you ever thought of chili that tastes sweet? You do not need to wonder because these types of chili are all around you. Chili peppers in question is, the sweet spicy. 

Paprika (Capsicum annuum) is a type of chili that taste sweet and slightly spicy. Paprika comes from the family Solanaceae. The shape is unique, that is big and fat like a persimmon. Chili is often used as a spice in cooking or vegetable material. Different from ordinary chili, pepper seeds are usually not eaten. 

Sweet pepper plants suitable to grow in various climates and can grow in various parts of the world. Paprika comes from South America and has been developed in Hungary. In Indonesia, paprika well known. Paprika many hydroponic developed in Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara. Based on the color, paprika differentiated into green peppers, red peppers, and yellow peppers. Based on taste, paprika, divided into two types, namely the shape of sweet peppers and hot peppers that looks much smaller. 

High Vitamin C 

   Compared with other peppers, paprika including special because it contains a very high nutrition, especially vitamin C. The content of vitamin C in peppers is much higher than orange which is known as a source of vitamin C. 

   Every 100 grams of red pepper contains 190 mg of vitamin C, the highest among other types of peppers. In contrast, 100 grams of oranges contains only 30-50 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known as a compound the body needs in a variety of important processes, ranging from the manufacture of collagen (fibrous protein that forms connective tissue in bones), fat carrier, the carrier electrons from the various enzymatic reactions, hyper healthy gums, regulating cholesterol levels, as well as immunity boosters .

   In addition, the body's vitamin C is necessary for wound healing and improve brain function in order to work optimally. The body's vitamin C is 75 mg per day for adult women and 90 mg per day for adult males. The maximum limit consumption of vitamin C is 1,000 mg per day.
Paprika is also rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. In red peppers contain 3131 IU vitamin A, the highest dibandingakan other types of peppers. Vitamin A is needed for the body to prevent eye disease, cell growth, immune system, reproduction, and maintaining healthy skin.

   Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that may play an important role in reducing the radical concentration peroksil. Ability to work as an antioxidant beta-carotene derived from its ability to stabilize the radical core of carbon. Because beta-carotene effective at low concentrations of oxygen, beta-carotene can complete antioxidant properties of vitamin E are effective at high concentrations of oxygen.

   Beta-carotene is also known as an element of cancer prevention, especially skin and lung cancer. Beta carotene can reach more parts of the body in a relatively longer time than vitamin A, thereby providing optimal protection against the emergence of cancer.

   The George Mateljan Foundation (2006) stated that vitamin B6 in paprika including excellent category. This is because peppers contain vitamin B6 with a high density level.

   Vitamin B6 is important for the brain to function normally, helping to build proteins, hormones, and red blood cells. Most beta-carotene content of paprika is concentrated in the section near the skin. Just like other vegetables, the older the color of paprika, beta-carotene in it more and more.

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Cabbage, Solution of Various Diseases

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)

'Cabbage Leaves' crunchy and crisp fresh taste. So that can be eaten as
raw and cooked vegetable, mixed salad or made ​​ointment.

Properties & Benefits

It protects the body from radiation hazards, and inhibit tumor growth

Chemical Ingredients

Fresh cabbage contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, fsfor, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, riblovavin, nicotinamide, calcium and beta carotene. It also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan and iberin that stimulates the formation of glutathione, an enzyme that works by breaking and removing toxic substances circulating in the body. The high content of vitamin C the 'cabbage' can prevent the onset of skorbut (scury). The existence of substance anthocyanins cause the color of 'cabbage' can turn into red.

Content of active substance

Sulforafan and histidine can inhibit tumor growth, prevent colon cancer and rektun, detoksikasi dangerous chemical compounds, such as cobalt, nickel and copper excess in the body, and increase endurance to fight cancer. Sulfur amino acid content is also efficacious in lowering high cholesterol levels, nerve calming and uplifting.

Used Parts

Parts used are the leaves.

Cabbage is used for treatment:

  • Itching due to fungus candida (candidiasis),
  • Fungal skin heads, hand and legs,
  • High blood cholesterol levels,
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis),
  • It protects the body from the radiation beam, such as x-ray diffraction,
  • computer, microwave and color television,
  • Antidote to drunk alcohol (hangover), toxins in the liver,
  • Eliminate complaints PMS (premenstrual syndrome),
  • Increasing milk production,
  • Prevent tumor enlarges,
  • Preventing colon and rectal cancer,
  • Ulcer (ulcer) on the gastrointestinal tract, and
  • Difficult bowel movements (constipation)

How to Use

Provide 25-30g cabbage, then eat them raw, as well as fresh vegetable or
can be boiled.

Example Usage

Constipation: eat fresh vegetable 'cabbage' every day, either raw or cooked.

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Bananas to Improve Brain Power and Other Benefits

Don't underestimate the efficacy of a banana. In addition to being the most favorite of local and international athletes, because the filling but not fattening, bananas are also very beneficial for health and beauty.

The fruit is not only easy to digest, but also contains nine nutrient content and restore energy. Compared to other fruits, bananas are prone to be enjoyed because it does not need to be processed.

Just so you know, a ripe banana which will contain 99 grams (g) calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 25.8 milligrams (mg) of carbohydrates, 0.7 g fiber, 8 mg calcium, 28 mg phosphorus, 0.5 mg iron, 44 RE vitamin A, and 0.08 mg of vitamin B, 3 mg vitamin C and 72 grams of water.

But to get the benefits, you need to carefully choose. Because only a ripe banana that can convert blood sugar into glucose naturally, as well as fast diabsorsi into the blood circulation.

The characteristics of a ripe banana, banana skin is yellowish green with brown or yellow spots. All content in ripe bananas, will provide some health benefits, especially for:

1. Power Source

Bananas can be digested easily, so that the sugar contained therein will be converted into a good energy source for the formation of the body, working muscles and also very nice to eliminate fatigue.

2. Pregnant Women

Women who were pregnant are encouraged to eat bananas, because they contain high folic acid is important for the perfection of the fetus, the formation of new cells and preventing birth defects occur.

A ripe banana, will contain about 85-100 calories. So that by eating two fresh bananas, the need for folic acid is about 58 micrograms can be met. In addition, the banana will help keep blood sugar levels which can reduce sick morning, so the banana is very good for snacks pregnant women.
3. Anemia Sufferers

The content of iron is quite high in bananas, can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood for patients with anemia. Two bananas a day, very good for patients with anemia.

4. Ulcer Pain Sufferers

As a fruit that can be consumed directly, bananas do not irritate or damage to the intestine for ulcer patients. The fruit is often used to fight bowel disease, because the texture is soft.

Bananas are also able to neutralize excess stomach acid and coat the stomach so as to reduce irritation. For those who have bowel disease or colic due to stomach acid, you can consume with a glass of milk is mixed in liquid.

5. Liver Disease Patients

For patients with liver, two bananas a day with the addition of one tablespoon of honey, be good to increase appetite and increase strength.

6. Burn Patients

Especially for people with burns, you can use banana leaves as a treatment. Way, the burned skin with a mixture of ash dioles banana leaves and coconut oil. This mixture was able to cool the burned skin.

7. Experiencing Stress

Bananas contain potassium, which is a vital mineral which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates moisture balance in the body. When experiencing stress, your metabolism will increase dramatically, thereby reducing the body's potassium levels. With bananas, potassium levels in the body will be balanced.

8. Stroke Patients

Based on the research of The New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas every day would reduce the risk of death from stroke by 40%.

9. Controlling Temperature

In some countries, bananas are regarded as cooling foods that can reduce physical and emotional temperature of expectant mother. In Thailand for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure the baby is born with a cool temperature.

10. Increase Brain Power

In an English school, 200 students able to complete the final exam only with a breakfast of bananas. They also often eat bananas during recess and lunch, because bananas can improve brain power.

British School is a research respondents, and proved that the potassium in bananas to make students become more active in the learning process.

On the other hand, bananas are also useful for beauty. As in other fruits, like avocado, yam and cucumber, bananas are also often used as a face mask, or to cope with damaged hair and smooth hands.

Bananas also have a role in the decrease or increase the weight. A study has shown, that a person can lose weight on a diet of bananas.

If you want to lose weight, how easy. Every day eat four bananas and four glasses of non-fat milk or fresh milk in a day. Do it for three days a week.

Of bananas and milk, you get 1.250 calories. The menu is quite healthy for your body. In addition to weight loss, diet banana also helps skin to be more clean and not greasy.

Those who want to increase body weight, consume a glass of banana shake mixed with honey, nuts and mango, after dinner. This menu if taken every day, will help raise the weight.

Not many know, that banana was also able to help smokers overcome nicotine addiction. The content of vitamins B6 and B12 found in bananas, can neutralize the influence of nicotine in the body. Even the enzyme bromelain contained in bananas too, is proven to increase libido in men.


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Dragon Fruit for Skin Care and Other Benefits

Savor 'Dragon Fruit' treat cancer, tumors, eye pain, gout, and heart, cure arthritis, balance blood sugar levels, controlling cholesterol, strengthens the kidneys and bones, sharpen vision.

Smooth skin

According to Prof Dr Muhammad Yusuf, a traditional Chinese medicine, in Chinese culture the dragon fruit is believed that smooths the facial skin look more beautiful. However, it is not used to treat deadly diseases such as cancer or heart disease. 'Dragon fruit well to cope with the heat because it is cool,' he said.Proven scientific

Various scientific research results show beneficial to the health of dragon fruit. Marhazlina M, researcher Department of Nutrition and dietetics Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, examining the effect of eating a dragon against the blood sugar and cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are not insulin dependent. Tests conducted on 28 patients aged 40-55 years.

Volunteers were divided into 4 groups, each consisting of 7 patients. Patients in group I were given intake of 400 g red flesh dragon fruit every day, group II 600 g, group III with no treatment, and group IV were given blood glucose-lowering drugs on the market.

Blood of patients examined in the first week pascaperlakuan, 4 weeks, and 2 weeks before the treatment ends. The total treatment period of 7 weeks. Blood of patients examined with automated chemistry analyzer machine.

The results showed high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)-cholesterol, patients in group I increased 14.1% after 4 weeks of treatment. While the patient's blood sugar levels decreased 19.94%, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL)-cholesterol is bad-5, 94%, and 23.52% triglyceride. In conclusion, fleshy red dragon fruit has the potential to help lower blood sugar levels and prevent the risk of heart disease in diabetic patients. Results were not much different from group II.

Alternative Cancer TreatmentsPitaya also proved rich in antioxidants. Results of research Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), dragon fruit red meat contains total phenolic 1076? mol gallic acid equivalents (Game) / g puree. The antioxidant activity reached 7.59? mol trolox equivalents (TE) / g puree. While the white fleshy Hylocereus undatus contains total phenolic 523? Game mol / g and 2.96 antioxidant activity? mole TE / g. 

The leaves and fruit skin

Avail 'dragon fruit' for health, was not only present in the fruit flesh. Rosario Vargas Sols The results of the Laboratorio de Investigation de Fitofarmacologa, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico, the chloroform extract 'dragon fruit leaf' white fleshy contain pentacyclic triterpene compound taraxast-20-ene-3a-ol and taraxast-12, 20 (30) -dien-3a-ol. Both compounds were shown to protect rabbit blood vessel flexibility.

Researchers estimate the efficacy of both compounds were almost equal troxerutin, one of the micro vascular protective drug on the market. The drug was beneficial to reduce the risk of rupture of blood vessels. The in vitro results do Li-chen Wu, researcher Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chi-Nan University, showed the extract 'dragon fruit skin' red fleshy potentially inhibit the growth of B16F10 tumor cells at doses of 25 g. That proves the dragon fruit is not only delicious when eaten, but also useful as a drug. (Imam Wiguna)

Experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium is good for kesihatan versus other fruits are imported.

Following the vice Johncola Pitaya Food, Sarekat planting dragon fruit red and the largest investigation in this country, AL Leong, honey cactus fruit is quite rich with various vitamins and mineral substances which may help to improve durability and reduce metabolism in the human body.

"Studies show red dragon fruit is excellent for penghadaman system and blood circulation. He also gave back instigate action to reduce emotional stress and neutralize toxic in the blood. "The study also shows this fruit can prevent kanser intestine, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in blood and at the same time reduce levels of fat in the body," he said.

Overall, every red dragon fruit contain adequate protein metabolism that is able to reduce weight and maintain heart kesihatan; fiber (guard kanser intestine, diabetes and diet); carotene (kesihatan eyes, strengthens the brain and inhibit disease), calcium (bone strengthening) and fosferos (growth of body tissue).

Dragon fruit also contain adequate iron to increase the blood; vitamin B1 (hot escort agency); vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lower cholesterol) and vitamin C (increase slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).

Besides the dragon fruit has a high economic value, also have benefits for human health, including as a counterweight blood sugar levels, preventing cancer, protecting oral health, reducing cholesterol, preventing bleeding, vaginal discharge and drug complaint

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The Secret Behind Apple Leather

Everyone must have known that apples contain many health benefits. However, if the benefits of 'apple skin' may not have much to know. To be sure, do not waste apple skin. The reason is simple, because the apple skins contain quercetin - a substance that is needed to raise levels of antioxidants, and prevent various diseases.

Results of research experts from Cornell University states that only apples, which have quercetin. It just means apple can provide antioxidants equivalent to 1.500mg vitamin C of 'fresh apple extract' from a medium size apple.

Then the results of the study also shows, an apple is eaten every day can reduce cholesterol up to 10%. Its phytochemical substances protect against free radicals and reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). And the high fiber, certainly able to withstand the coming hungry.

Meanwhile, Dr. Barry Sears in his book The Top 100 Zone Foods declare an apple is a remarkable fruit that can control blood sugar. "Apples are a source of soluble fiber well, especially pectin which helps insulin levels, slow the spending of sugar into the bloodstream. Pectin is also able to reduce cholesterol levels by reducing insulin spending," he explained.

All results were, in fact has been proven since the time of mythology. At that time, the apple has been associated with healing diseases of the god Apollo. According to the physician Hippocrates and Galen, the habit of eating apples is very beneficial for digestion. That's because the apples that had eaten were mushrooming, and the effect is very good for digestion.

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'Red Spinach', for the Treatment of Anemia and Cancer

Chemical Ingredients of 'Red Spinach':

'Red Spinach' lots of protein, fat, carbohydrate, potassium, iron, amarantin, routine, purine and vitamins (A, B, C).

Efficacy of 'Spinach Red':

Efficacy of of spinach in general is to improve kidney function and digestion. 'The roots of red spinach' efficacious as a medicine dysentery. Spinach including fibrous vegetables that can be used to streamline the process of defecation. Fibrous food is highly recommended for consumption by patients with colon cancer, diabetic (diabetes mellitus), cholesterol, high blood pressure and decreased weight. Red spinach leaf infusion of 30% per orally can increase the levels of serum iron, hemoglobin and hematocrit 'Rabbit', which made ??significant anemia.


Parts used are the leaves and roots.

Indications: 'leaf spinach' is used to purify the blood after childbirth, strengthens hair roots, low blood pressure, anemia and kidney failure. The roots are used for the treatment of dysentery.

How to use ie: for the drugs taken, provide 25-30 g of fresh leaves, then boiled and eaten as a vegetable. Apart from boiled, spinach can also be juiced for a drink. For external use only, minced fresh spinach leaves until soft, then paste on bite wounds caused by venomous animals.

To use the Public:

  • Increasing the kidneys work and to mempersihkan blood after childbirth: 'spinach red'can be consumed as a vegetable.
  • Less Blood: washing three handfuls of 'red spinach leaves', then mash until smooth. Add a tablespoon of 'lemon juice', then strain. Next add a tablespoon of honey and a 'yellow chicken egg' and stir until smooth, then drink it and the treatment was done once a day for a week, then treatment can be done twice a week until the disease is cured.

  • To treat dysentery: wash 10 cigarettes 'red spinach root' to clean then mash until smooth. Add 'salt' tip of a teaspoon, stirring evenly, then strain. For treatment, drinking water filter at a time.
  • Strengthen hair roots: wash one bundle 'leaf spinach' and 'stem spinach' clean fresh until then mash until smooth. Add 'salt' tip of a teaspoon, stirring evenly, then squeeze and strain and drink as well. Do it 2-3 times a week.

For patients with blood uric acid levels are high enough and Rheumatic Gout forbidden to consume the spinach too much, because these vegetables contain high purine. In the body, purines will be metabolized into uric acid. In general, in terms of treatment 'red spinach' more nutritious than 'green spinach'.


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'Soybeans', Prevent Colon Cancer and Osteoporosis

Benefits soybeans for the body:

  • As a milk substitute for CHILDREN who have allergies to milk cans or when CHILDREN are experiencing pain such as: typhoid, ulcers, wasting - bowel movements or diarrhea and other
  • Prevent osteoporosis
  • Prevent the occurrence of colon cancer (colon)
  • Could inhibit the growth speed of cells - cancer cells and tumors
  • Prevent breast cancer
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Can help lower high blood pressure disease
  • Lowering blood sugar levels

The content that is useful from soybeans:

  • High Protein
  • The content of unsaturated fatty acids that are good for your body
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B 1 and B 2
  • Vitamin C
  • Niacin
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Isoflafon
  • Saponin
  • Trypsin inhibitors
  • Methionine
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Carbohydrate

Tips for choosing a good soybean:

• Do not choose soybeans that has begun to blackish in color, because it started to rot (it's not the kind of black soy beans)


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Broccoli for Improve Skin Health

Broccoli is a vegetable that is very magical. Broccoli is a source of antioxidants that are high in protein. Half the fiber content of bread wheat, but only a tenth of calorie content.

Broccoli contain many vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, zinc, sera of vitamin B and folic acid. These vegetables can strengthen the immune system and become the main force to fight colon cancer. The content of his sulphuraphane able to detoxify and effectively remove all the causes of cancer we eat and breathe every moment. Broccoli protects the immune system as a whole. In addition to fighting cancer, broccoli is also good to fight heart disease and infection, particularly those related to respiratory tract.

Broccoli is a vegetable that has the ability to clean in depth. These vegetables can cleanse and purify the entire digestive system and stimulates the liver, which is the main organ for detoxification. When the liver is working with full capacity, the whole body will function better.

Broccoli prevent harmful poisons stack in the system of the body. When the burden of toxins in the body is reduced, the skin will be significantly better. No wonder the broccoli into food perfect beauty. The content of vitamin B2 was good for the skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin B2 and B5 can join the broccoli to convert fat into energy metabolism so that gives you strength. Appropriate way of cooking is very important to maintain levels of nutrients. Boiling is the best way.
   Broccoli is also beneficial for pregnant women because it contains folic acid (another B vitamin), which can protect the baby from spina bifida (a condition the lower body paralysis) and strengthens the nervous system and blood cells of mother and baby. Folic acid can be reduced because of oral contraceptive pill, so the number of red blood cells also decreased. Folic acid is also good to encourage the production of serotonin, a natural chemical in the body that can improve mood. Therefore, broccoli is also beneficial for people with depression. We are encouraged to eat 1-3 servings of broccoli a week.


  • Against colon cancer.
  • Protecting the immune system.
  • Detoxify the body systems related to the digestive and liver.
  • Protect the baby from the risk of spina bifida.
  • Improve mood.
  • Improve skin health.

Hopefully this information is useful for us all.


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Benefits of 'Cashew Fruit'

'Cashew Fruit' comes from Brazil, spread in the tropics and is found at an altitude of between 1-1200 m above sea level. 'Fruit Cashew' will bear fruit better in dry climates and rainfall less than 500 mm per year. This plant can grow in all kinds of soil, provided it's not the land of dense clay and waterlogged.

Tree, 8-12 m tall, has a lot of branches and twigs. Curved rods, woody, resinous, branching from the base. Single leaves, stemmed, from 4 to 22.5 cm long, 2.5 to 15 cm wide. Strands of leaf-shaped 'oval breech', edge of the flat, base tapering, rounded tip with a small indentation in the middle, 'bone leaves' pinnate, green. Flowers married one has a 'female interest' and 'male flowers', composed of panicle, out in the 'armpit leaves' or the 'tip of the branching'. The fruit of stone fruit, hard, curved.

Fruit stalk bubble over time will become apparent that soft fruit, such as peer fruit, yellow, sometimes red-stained, slightly sour sweet taste, contains a lot of water and fiber. Seed long round, flat curved, dark brown color.

The wood can be used as building materials, household appliances, and crafts. Bark is used in the batik industry or for tanning materials. The young leaves can be eaten as a vegetable (raw or steamed first). Artificial fruit taste sour and can be eaten as a salad, made ??drinks, wine and jam. If it is processed, the price of 'seed cashew' is quite expensive, known as the 'cashew'.

Skin seeds containing cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). If the liquid is on the mouth can cause inflammation. Once processed, CNSL can be used for lubricating materials, insecticides, varnishes, plastics, enten or grafting.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Nature and Benefits

'Bark' smell is weak, it feels natural brown and eventually creates a feeling of thickness on the tongue. Usefulness as a laxative, astringent and stimulate digestive enzyme activity (alteratif).

Leaves aromatic smell, taste sour, efficacious anti-inflammatory and decreased blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic). Seeds efficacious as a skin softener and pain relievers (analgesics). Roots efficacious as a purgative (laxative).

Chemical Ingredients

'Bark' contains a lot of tannin, tannic substances, acid ginkol error and catechins. The leaves contain tannin-gallate, flavonols, anakardiol acid, elagat acid, phenol compounds, 'kardol' and 'methyl kardol'. Fruit contains protein, fat, vitamins (A, B and C), calcium, phosphorus, iron and sulfur. Percarp contains tannin, acid and acid anacardic elegat. Seeds contain 40-50% oil and 21% protein protein. Oil contains oleic acid, linoleic acid and vitamin E. The sap contains furtural.

Acid anacardic efficacious bactericidal, fungicidal kill worms and protozoa.

Used Parts

Parts used are the 'bark', beans, oil seeds, seed coat, young leaves and fruit.


Bark is used for treatment:
  • Frequent urination (diabetes mellitus)
  • Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  • Constipation
  • Thrush, and
  • spotty
Seeds (nuts) are used for treatment:
  • Inflammation of the cervix (servikitis)
  • Toothache, gingivitis
  • venomous snake bites, and
  • Weight loss less
Seed oil used for treatment:
  • Rash nails, ulcers, prosiasis
  • Food poisoning

Seed coat is used for treatment:
  • skin cancer
  • Cleans tartar

The young leaves are used for treatment:
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  • Malaria
  • Rheumatism
  • Thrush and
  • skin rash

How to use?

For drugs taken, boiled 10-20 g bark, and drink boiled water.

For external treatment, milled bark until smooth, then Dab on the affected part of venomous snake bites or clavus (thickening of the skin, usually occurs on the palms and soles of the feet). Alternatively, grind 'fresh leaves' till smooth and put on burns, blisters, teeth and gums are sore. For treatment of ulcers, syphilis, leprosy, psoriasis, eczema, skin and cracked feet, boiled, the skin is still fresh beans until the water thickens, then apply on the wound.

Farmakologis Securities and Research Results

Alcohol extract 'cashew leaf' show:

1. Hypoglycemic effect on albino rats
2. Active Anticancer against hepatoma129 in mice.

Infusa 10% 'cashew leaf' show:
  • Effects such as that caused by morphine and phenothiazine in albino rats.
  • Securities extension reaction in mice. These effects occur at doses of 30 ml / kg bw. Most likely, this situation caused by the active substance is efficacious analgesic, such as morphine or metamizol.
Specifically, infusion 'cashew leaf' with a rate of 50 cc / kg body weight given intra-peritoneal in white rats can inhibit the escape of conditional avoidance response in 87% of animal experiments. On the other hand, control mice that were given salt physiology has not obstacle.

Infusion 'cashew leaf' with a dose of 6 and 12 g / kg bw showed no significant anti-inflammatory effect (p <0.05), the second hour after administration karagenin. Presentation inhibition of edema 'cashew leaf' (26.86%) was much smaller than demham sodium diclofenac (41.72%).

Infusion 'young cashew leaves' have an equally strong analgesic effect with paracetamol in cases of acute periodontitis. Side effects include nausea and dizziness.

Example Usage


Wash 10g 'cashew bark' thoroughly, then boiled in 2 cups water for 20 minutes. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water, daily 2 times as much.

Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)

Wash 15g 'cashew bark' thoroughly, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil the remaining 3 cups water to one cup. After the cold filter and filter drinking water, daily 2 times each 1 / 2 cup.


Wash 5 pieces of pseudo 'cashew' to clean, and scar. Add 4 tablespoons of cooking water and 2 tablespoons of honey, stirring evenly. Squeeze the potion, then strain. Use water to rinse the filter (direct swallowed), 3 times a day, each 2 tablespoons.


Wash a handful of young leaves and a piece of 'cashew bark' thoroughly, then boiled in 1 liter of water to boiling (for 15 minutes). Once cool, strain and filter the water ready to drink. Treatment carried out 2-3 times a day, each 1 cup. The water is also used to rinse his mouth.

Rheumatism, high blood Press

Sliced ​​handful 'cashew leaf', then boiled in 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water, daily 2 times, each 1 / 2 cup.

Bitten by a venomous snake

Saute a few 'cashew fruit' which contain seeds until the outer skin yellowing to eliminate toxins that can cause skin irritation. After the yellow, remove the seeds. Sun to dry, then milled until smooth. Use this mixture to sow injury from poisonous snake bites.

Toothache, gingivitis

Saute 5 pieces of 'nuts' dry until yellow, then milled into powder. Take 1 teaspoon of the powder, then add 1 / 4 teaspoon honey. Stir until blended, and Dab on a perforated teeth or around the gums are inflamed.


In botany, 'cashew fruit' which is actually the fruit of 'his nuts' (nuts), while the fruit is usually dirujak is 'the fruit stalk' the swollen and fleshy.

Gum seed skin (pericarp) contains kardol poisonous and can cause skin irritation. If someone is issued a 'nuts' by way of biting 'outer skin of the seeds', will feel the heat and tenderness due to irritation in the lips and oral mucosa.

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