Red betel believed to contain several active compounds, among others:
Flavonoids and polevenolad that are antioxidants, antidiabetic, anticancer, antisepticand anti-inflammatory. While compounds alkoloid have antineoplastic properties,which are also potent inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Alkaloids are organic materials that contain nitrogen as part of a heterocyclic system.As already noted, red betel can be used to treat diabetes and reduce hypertension.

Drinking water boiled red betel every day, blood sugar levels will drop to normal levels. Red betel in the form of herbal tea can also treat gout, diabetes, ulcers, and fatigue. Patients cured of diabetes by eating red betel herbal tea.
The content of other chemicals contained in red betel leaf is:
Essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylprokatekol, karvakrol, eugenol,pcymene, cineole, caryofelen, kadimen estragol, terpenena, and phenyl propada.Karvakrol is disinfectant, antifungal, so it can be used as an antiseptic to eliminatebad breath and white.
Eugenol can reduce pain, abdominal pain and tannins resolve. Red betel nut is widely used in Herbal Clinic Center as an herb or therapy for patients who can not be cured by chemical drugs. Potential red betel as a medicinal plant is very largemultifunctional so needs to be improved.
Red betel also efficacious cure various diseases such as:
- Diabetes
- Preventing hepatitis
- Kidney stones
- Lowering cholesterol
- Prevents liver
- Inflammation of the prostate
- Inflammation of the eye
- Whitish
- Ulcer
- Fatigue
- Joint pain and
- Soften the skin.
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